Simply exquisite. 📸: @noel_californiafaucets #conceptblog
Simply exquisite. 📸: @noel_californiafaucets #conceptblog
Holiday season in the North End. 📸: @davidfilipov #conceptblog
Buying a house is just the beginning; maintaining a house requires a different budget altogether! #conceptblog
Christmas touches adds that next level of cozy. 📸: @pennyandpearldesign #conceptblog
Mission Hill view. 📸: @gus_mueller #conceptblog
With a tub like this, a stool of books is absolutely NECESSARY. 📸: @beeskneesinteriordesign #conceptblog
Lights peeking through. 📸: @life.of.a.shutterbug #conceptblog
Start by asking yourself the following questions: Am I ready to commit to this home and city for at least a few years? Do I have an emergency fund that can cover at least 3 months of expenses? Do I have a stable income? If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” you may want to hold off for now. Consider whether you have any events on the horizon that could affect your location, income or expenses. #conceptblog
Start by asking yourself the following questions: Am I ready to commit to this home and city for at least a few years? Do I have an emergency fund that can cover at least 3 months of expenses? Do I have a stable income? If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” you may want to hold off for now. Consider whether you have any events on the horizon that could affect your location, income or expenses. #conceptblog
Green and blue color palette. 📸: @jamiekeskindesign #conceptblog